Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A cartoon of me

I'm multitasking on my computer today and one app in the background that is taking forever to finish is a utility to create a cartoon of myself. It's by and it offers a good range of choices for facial features to help you get as close as possible to the real, er, cartoon you. I have been editing few studies for like the whole day and I still want to make more so I have choices on which one looks like me the most. It's cartoon so please let's suspend (our) disbelief. Although, yeah, the more I look at them, the farther they seem to be from the truth. But blame the program, not me. I just worked on the templates available :)

Anyway, the webface can be the avatar or webface you use on Facebook or other social sites. But my computer or my connection is slow today so I'll keep these two for awhile. Fifteen pounds heavier and with a bob cut, this is what I came up with. Whadyathink? Now don't be mean... ;)

P.S. Warning! This cute app is also one sneaky bastard. It hijacked my homepage setting and installed its cousin apps on my dashboard. It can be disabled (tho I wish sneaky apps can be burned, too). To remove it, close Firefox. Check for a file named m3ffxtbr.manifest in the "chrome" folder ("C:/program files/Mozilla Firefox/me) and delete it. Then Restart.

Suddenly, I hate cartoon. >/

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