Monday, April 26, 2010

My dog named Google

I have a dog named Google. He is a black Labrador Retriever that is a little over a year old. He is rambunctious bordering to crazy. He barks my ears off, he eats my slippers, he terrorizes my cats, and he salivates a lot. When he's not doing any of these, my Google takes a stab at being affectionate bordering to sweet. He cocks his head to the side, he blinks his little eyes, he wags his tail, and he waves his front leg to give me a high-five.

I named him after the leading search engine because he is a natural retriever, in four legs at that! Of course, there's Lycos, an older search engine that really uses a black Lab for its logo, but I liked the sound of "google" more. Maybe when Google gets a son I'll call it Lycos. For now, I call up Google whenever I'm looking for something that's not in the Web. Something that only my animated version of Google would find happiness in retrieving and destroying, like a shoe or a rag. In my offline world, the name Google takes a whole new form and I can't say I don't love it.

P.S. A more current photo of Google, who is now larger and naughtier, to follow if he allows me to take his picture without him threatening to eat my camera.


  1. aww so cute right when i looked at him is he for sale

  2. We have a dog named Goole too! Rescued him a year ago--He is now 2 and runs the house. Google is 30 pounds, part Beagle and part Tic Hound, multi colored --- black, gray, brown, white, etc. Happy to send photo if you tell me how.

  3. Hi! I'd love to see the picture of your own Google. Pls send it to me at
