Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm busy Pinteresting :)

I'm not a follower. I'm an independent, hard-headed woman. You won't find me in Facebook, which I find blah. But for some reason I am hooked on Pinterest and I follow some people and I welcome followers. What's with Pinterest that made me spend hours of my day away? Well, I really enjoy the nice, quality pictures; the absence of far too many comments, particularly feuding and nonsensical ones; and I get to connect to users who share my interests without us being obtrusive to one another. I also pick up many ideas just looking at the vast amount of photos being shared. It opens up my world to many things I would not easily find on my own even if I do intense Google searches day in and day out. My boards are mostly littered with pictures of cute pets, DIYs and beautiful things. This social networking site has a "girly" feel to it, owing to the fact that majority of the users are women. Pinterest is currently the third largest social networking site in the US and currently attracting high volume of sign-ups, especially now that the company lifted it's "by-invitation only" status. When I'm not doing serious work, chances are I'm on Pinterest...pinning happily and feasting my eyes on wonderful pins from users all over the world.

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