Thursday, December 31, 2009

KTV madness

I absolutely HATE karaoke TV. In my list of most hateful things ever mass produced, KTV currently takes the No. 1 spot. My absolute disdain for this godawful device makes me unlike many Filipinos who will betray good reason and their education, and abandon shame and whatever little consideration they could afford their neighbors in the name of KTV.

In my opinion, anyone who inconsiderately belts out what usually is nothing but abominable singing should be FINED for making hapless victims out of others who never asked to be tortured that way.

When frogs croak endlessly during rainy nights, it drives me crazy; but frogs will be frogs. When a full grown man or woman croaks what he/she believes is a melodious song, it drives me mad; but I guess trogs will be trogs.

It seems to me that the norm in KTV is to "sing" a demented version of the original song, rendered so horribly out-of-tune that it can upset even the saints. In the face of a KTV attack, don't you think to be deaf doesn't seem so bad? I really find no reason for a KTV to exist in a civilized society unless those who worship this idiot box can contain the plague that they're unleashing inside their own sound-proofed room.

I don't mind people having fun or finding an outlet for their bottled-up fantasies (although in many cases I pray they stay bottled up). If KTV gives them that, so be it. But they should also bear in mind that their choice of entertainment is quite tasteless and, more importantly, it wreaks havoc on the lives of other people who are happiest when things are relatively quiet especially when it's clearly a time to sleep. People who show no respect to others by belting out so loud to the discomfort of those who unfortunately live next door or across the street to them are clearly not smart enough to know that they are already giving away their true upbringing even if they are from higher class. In which case, the high class drops to low class IMHO.

To have fun is one thing. To have good social breeding is another. I can't emphasize enough that breeding matters.

KTVs when they fall in the wrong hands can be like weapons of mass destruction. If you derive fun from using this unintelligent, low-tech device, please have your head checked because it exhibits poor judgment. And if after that you are still compelled to sing along a KTV, at least look around you first and make sure no one will get hurt.

I have suffered one of the most unforgivable KTV madness by a neighbor during Christmas eve. What does KTV have to do with the birth of the savior, Jesus Christ? Yet even before I could put that painful KTV episode behind me, they were at it again on New Year's Eve with a KTV mic on one hand and on the other an additional instrument of terror: firecrackers. Idiots.

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